Break a Sweat

Kickboxing for Cardio, Mobility, and Speed 

Push Yourself. Prove You Can. 

Learn the ropes of kickboxing from experienced martial arts athletes. Build cardio, mobility, flexibility, speed, muscular endurance, balance, coordination, and mental toughness all within the hour.  


1. Balance
2. Static Stretching
3. Skipping
4. Basics of Kickboxing
5. Technical Shadowboxing
6. Hit the Pads
7. Calesthenics
8. Isometrics
9. Core and Conditioning
10. Dynamic Stretching and Cooldown


- Anyone and everyone!
- Beginners to martial arts
- Athletes looking to switch up their training
- Former martial artists looking to rekindle their passion

Our goal is to give people a fun, engaging alternative for their cardio that challenges all systems of the body.  

This class is designed as a open-ended course. We constantly evolve our workouts to ensure you’re always confronting a fresh challenge.  

CLICK HERE to set up a free phone consultation today.

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